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Christmas Advert 2024

Lauren’s Top 5 UK Christmas Adverts of 2024

Alright, let’s dive into the world of festive cheer and marketing magic! As the Head of Marketing at Jigsaw Media, I’ve had the pleasure of watching this year’s Christmas adverts and let me tell you, it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, laughs, and a few tears.

Here’s my top 5:

5. Boots: A Feminist Fairy Tale 

Boots has stirred up a bit of controversy with their feminist take on Christmas by insinuating that it’s women who do the majority of work to make Christmas happen, not Santa, but where’s the lie?

Love it or hate it, you can’t deny it’s bold and memorable.

4. Aldi: Mission: Impossible Christmas 

Cheeky as ever, Aldi’s Mission Impossible parody is pure fun with some silliness that both kids and adults can appreciate. It’s got action, humour, and a few less than subtle digs at the competition. Are Aldi looking for a goodwill gesture from a certain supermarkets legal team?

3. Tesco: A Tearjerker with a Twist 

There’s always one emotional ad and this year Tesco takes the biscuit (get it?). Just hope you have the tissues read if this ad comes on tv when you’re nursing a hangover after overindulging on your office Christmas night out.

2. John Lewis: A Sibling Saga

John Lewis has done it again! Maybe it’s because I also have a sister, but I felt a connection with this advert. I always find myself looking back through my memories to think of the perfect gift for a loved one and this advert nailed the visuals of the sweet process of thoughtful gifting.

1. Waitrose: A Whodunnit Christmas 

Waitrose have surprised me by taking the top spot this year! Who doesn’t love a whodunnit – especially a star-studded one with a playful and relatable festive twist. They left us in suspense waiting to find out who stole the Christmas pudding in part 2 and it didn’t disappoint! 

I feel like it’s worth giving an honourable mention to Irn Bru, who at the time of writing, have not yet released their Christmas advert. Although they don’t tend to mix up the Snowman story too much, it’s still one of my favourites and is always worth waiting for as the true sign that Christmas is coming. If it ain’t broke, right? 

So, there you have it, my top 5 Christmas adverts of 2024. Whether you’re a fan of heartwarming tales, hilarious parodies, or a bit of festive controversy, there’s something for everyone. And remember, as the great philosopher once said, “It’s not Christmas without a bit of ad-watching!”