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Brand Guidelines

Our guidelines help us work together to create consistent communication...

  • Our Mission
  • Our Values
  • Brand Identity
  • Colours
  • Typography

Our Mission

Jigsaw Media is a full-service marketing agency that makes brands stand out from the crowd. We’re a team of talented people who truly understand what makes good marketing great.

Our mission is simple: to help our clients achieve their business goals through world-class marketing. And our vision is to be the go-to marketing partner for ambitious businesses in Scotland and the UK.

Our Values

  • Quality

Quality is one of our key values, and that means that we are rigorous about maintaining outstanding standards throughout the business. We care deeply about delivering world class service and generating results through the exceptional quality of our work that we produce.

  • Accountability

It is essential that we, as a team and as individuals, remain consistently accountable to each other and our clients. This ensures that every day, we are working to be the best we can be, while encouraging continued commitment towards ours and our clients goals and objectives.

  • Transparency

Having good communication externally and internally is an integral part of our culture and is vital to our ongoing success. It ensures collaboration and means that we are honest with each other and our clients at all times.

  • Community

We are a business that is incredibly proud of its roots in Dundee, and we will always try to play a part in supporting and promoting the wider Dundee community.

  • Pride

Having pride in every single piece of work that we do, ensuring everything we deliver, including service, is exceptional at all times. Having pride in each other and creating a business and environment that each member of the team is proud to be a part of.

  • Reliability

Building strong relationships built on trust and excellent, open communications so that clients always know that they can rely on us. We are a trusted, reliable partner.

Brand Identity

The Jigsaw logo takes on a few forms to help us navigate the multitude of applications that the digital age throws up. Simple, clean, works in 1 or 2 colours, reversed out of solid colours or placed over images where the contast allows full legibility. 

Logo & Icon


Social / Icon Logos


You know the rules, no putting it upside down, stretching it, or doing anything else funky.

  • Clashing Backgrounds
  • Changing Colours
  • Adding Shadows
  • Changing Proportions
  • Clashing Backgrounds
  • Changing Colours
  • Adding Shadows
  • Changing Proportions


Our colours are an integral part of the Jigsaw branding and should be adhered to in all communications. Using the colour values for the correct medium will ensure consistency throughout all brand collateral.

Jigsaw Grey:


RGB: 47/52/53

CMYK: 73/59/56/64

Jigsaw Blue:


RGB: 0/198/203

CMYK: 69/0/27/0


Straight-forward with a modern simplicity, our typography gives all the key information with simple clear-cut hierarchies. Our heading typeface is called Degular — applied in ‘Light’ for large headlines, ‘Regular’ for smaller applications.

Large Heading: Degular Light

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet

Regular Heading: Degular Regular

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet

Subheaders, Short Paragraphs: Runda Light

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect vedriam consectetur adipiscing intus elit, Vevo dolor eiusmod tempor Vevo incididunt ut labor et dolore.

Subheaders, Short Paragraphs: Runda Light

Ut optus illam, oditem et et dolorec tempore pudant minti bea sumquia Vevo qua tiorumquos doluptatur alit, in rerovid esedis mo omnit, esequia qui cusaecto do dolum, quam hillore coreseque conestiis Vevo. Olor aut ea qui re velitibus aspedis secearum id mo ium evelitatio. Ut optus illam, oditem et et dolorec tempore atlas pudant minti bea sumquia tiorumquos doluptatur alit, in rerovid esedis mo omnit, esequia qui cusaecto dolum, quam hillore coreseque conestiis Vevo. Olor aut ea qui re velitibus aspedis secearum eiusmod tempor.